yesterday went to ovidia's hse straight away aftr school with angie, doreen, charmaine, silun and of course ovidia. changed clothes and off we went to ytp. met up with kok soon, glenn, jun xuan, wei lin, nathaniel.. haha, nat wore a SHIRT! like going to prom nite... haha! saw kok soon dhen he said , " nah.. ur bday present" dhen presents were thrown to me.
ANGIE : handphone strap and some handphone keychains
GLENN : basketball (: [thanks so much]
DOREEN : light up mug
KOK SOON : big teddy bear
CHARMAINE : sticker for phone
back to whr we were..
er, ate KFC and took mrt to causeway
charmaine and doreen went back as mrt card no money
si lun went back coz cannot go to causeway point
jun xuan went back coz his baby sitter waiting for him
nathaniel went back coz he want to go to PSP shop
so left me, ovidia, angie, glenn, kok soon and wei lin.
i was like a karang guni; carrying a big big plastic bag which is so bulky..[filled with presents].
straight went to arcade to ply games.. top up so much money siah!
plyed like hell!! dhen kok soon, wei lin, angie ang glenn hungry coz nvr eat lunch.. so they went banquet eat while ovidia and i bought th tickets to movie..
watched CLOUDY IS A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS.. gave kok th tickets and he gave wei lin seat no. 12, himself seat no. 11,
glenn seat no. 10 ,
me seat no. 9, ovidia seat no. 8 and angie 7..
dhen while they ate, ovidia and i rushed down to NTUC to buy snacks.. bought tons like as though we going to pinic..
4 LARGE PRINGLES, 2 POTATOE CHIPS packet, 2 BOTTLES GREEN TEA, 1 PACKET POPCORN.. dhen glenn and kok bought 1 packet of gummies and 1 packet of metal balls.. [don dirty]
went into th cinema and settled down.. glenn and my seat was separated by a separater which can take out.. so in th end, we took it out so got more space.. aftr finish, went to arcade again.. throw more $$$ and we asked wei lin squeeze inside th basketball thing to press th thing so can ply for free.. haha! dhen went back.. whole day out till 6.30pm... lol!